ECOBIK® benefits
5 opportunities to increase profit
a single technology!
Free of charge!
Reduction of specific heat consumption (fuels)
Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions (ghg)
Reduction of pollutant emissions
Reduction of corrosion processes
Increasing load availability
No capital costs!
ECOBIK® creates the conditions to operate the combustion equipment at maximum efficiency
Performs significant reductions of pollutant emissions and greenhouse gas emissions
Strictly specialized and customized applications
Technology – 100% Romanian
• 4 patents granted in Romania;
• Patents granted outside Romania: European patent, Eurasian patent (former USSR), USA, China, Korea, Canada
• Romanian brand since 1993
• International brand since 2003
• Applications in Romania, USA, India, Germany, Bulgaria
The beneficiary of the ECOBIK® application will not have capital costs
Guaranteed results
The guaranteed results will be ascertained after a first interval of at least 500 operating hours and will be found in the evolution of the operating data.
Fuel savings
Sources of savings the fuel consumptionmaximized by applying the ECOBIK® Process
Reduction of excess air and flue gas temperature
Correction of incomplete combustion
Reduction of losses by heating water from air humidity
Removal of deposits from heat exchange surfaces
Reduction of heat loss through discharged residues
Total reduction in fuel consumption
Reduction of GHG
The effects of using the ECOBIK® Processon the acquisition of CO2 allowances
(example for 10,000 tons of fuel / year – source – EU Regulation No. 601/2012) (certified price – as an example of calculation – EUR 40 / t)
Fuel | Emission factor | Calorific value | Emiss. factor | CO2 allowances cost | ECOBIK |
Saving |
[tCO2/TJ] | [TJ/Gg] | [tCO2/tcombustibil] | EUR | [%] | [EUR] | |
Natural gas | 56,1 | 48,0 | 1,17 | 468.000 | 4 | 18.720 |
Residual gases | 57,6 | 49,5 | 1,16 | 464.000 | 5 | 23.200 |
Petroleum fuel | 77,4 | 40,4 | 1,92 | 768.000 | 8 | 61.440 |
Coke gas | 44,4 | 38,7 | 1,15 | 460.000 | 9 | 41.400 |
Bituminous coal | 94,6 | 25,8 | 3,67 | 1.468.000 | 10 | 146.800 |
Sub-bituminous coal | 96,1 | 18,9 | 5,08 | 2.032.000 | 10 | 203.200 |
Lignite | 101,0 | 11,9 | 5,34 | 2.136.000 | 10 | 213.600 |
Petroleum coke | 97,5 | 32,5 | 3,00 | 1.200.000 | 8 | 96.000 |
Reduction of pollutant emissions
Fuel | CO | SO2 | SO3 | Nox | COV | PM |
[%] | [%] | [%] | [%] | [%] | [%] | |
Natural gas | 15–40 | – | – | 20–60 | – | >50 |
Residual gases | 20–75 | 40–60 | 80–95 | 20–60 | 50–95 | >50 |
Petroleum fuel | 30–60 | 25–50 | 60–95 | 20–60 | 50–90 | 30–70 |
Coke gas | 25–50 | 20–40 | 40–80 | 20–40 | 30–70 | >50 |
Bituminous coal | 25–50 | 10–25 | 50–90 | 20–50 | 30–70 | 20–50 |
Sub-bituminous coal | 20–40 | 10–30 | 50–90 | 20–50 | 30-60 | 15–40 |
Lignite | 20–40 | 25–40 | 40–75 | 15–30 | 40–60 | 15–30 |
Petroleum coke | 20–40 | 25–40 | 60–85 | 20–40 | 50–70 | 30–50 |
Combustion of combustibles
Classic combustion
Kinetic: (internal combustion engines, gas turbines)
• Premixing the fuel with the oxidizer
• High reaction speeds
• High temperatures
• Less residue
• Advanced decomposition of molecules, including pollutants
• Unburned or partially unburned molecules due to the short time of the engine cycle and due to the “rich” mixture
Diffusion controlled: (boilers, furnaces)
• Fuel and combustion air meet in the combustion chamber in adjacent/concentric jets
• Combustion air and fuel mix gradually, more completely towards the top of the flame
• In the “plasma” zone – different temperatures of the participating molecules
• Molecules with different decomposition energies
• Time spent in the high temperature zone too short for complex, cyclic and polycyclic molecules
• Unburned molecules, or partially unburned – will adhere to heat exchange surfaces
• Combustion is purely oxidative, the electron deficiency is partially compensated by electrons extracted from the crystal lattice of the metal of the heat exchangers
Controlled reducing combustion process inside an oxidative atmosphere….
• Starts at approx. 400 °C with continuous generation of O2- ions => new reaction chains => modifications of classic combustion process
• Reaction promoters are formed
• Hydride ions (H-) are generated and other donor ions are activated from the “ion soup” from the “plasma” => transient reducing zones appear (by trimolecular collisions, but most likely at the walls of the heat exchangers)
• Significant increase in temperature in “plasma” => the level of energy required to break the bonds of complex molecules (especially cyclic and polycyclic) is reached
• Increases the formation speed and the CO pressure => it is “expelled” from the fuel jet and meets O2 faster
• CO rapidly converted to CO2 increases the peripheral temperature of the “plasma” (50 kcal / gCO) and reaches the temperature levels necessary to initialize the decomposition of complex molecules
• Donors obtained with ECOBIK® will reduce, step by step, through effective collisions, the oxidation state of the “core” of pollutant molecules.
• Sulfur is reduced to elemental sulfur
• Corrosion-affected metal areas restore their electronic balance of the metal crystal lattice
ECOBIK® creates a surplus of electrons during combustion => reducing combustion process!
What does ECOBIK® mean
Nano treatments to maximize performance of
industrial combustion equipment …
Acceleration of combustion processes
by means of combustion air…
resulting in: