

020303 – București, Str. Gh. Țițeica Nr. 124, Sector2

Contact form

Implementation procedure​

If the information presented is interesting enough to you and the cost-effectiveness estimated with the calculator is convenient for you, you can complete one of the questionnaires below, email us at one of the above addresses, and we will provide you with a concrete assessment of the effects of applying the ECOBIK®Procedure.

In case of furnaces, you can provide us with a brief description of the target furnace by filling in the contact form above and we will send you a suitable questionnaire. Once you have completed it, we will send you our evaluation.

In any case, if the preliminary assessment meets your requirements, we will ask you for a table including a series of operating parameters of the combustion equipment, from the last 30 days of operation.

We will come to you, perform a physical assessment of the possibilities of applying the ECOBIK® Procedure and perform measurements of the combustion results, and then we will send you our proposal concerning the feasibility.

Questionnaire download - aquatubular boilers


Evaluation for the application of the ECOBIK® Procedure

Aquatubular boilers

Questionnaire download - ignitubular boilers


Evaluation for the application of the ECOBIK® Procedure

Ignitubular boilers